There are four levels of instruction.
At each level there is a grammar/foundation course and at the same level
there is a skill develop or conversation course.

Foundation Courses
There are four levels that develop the use of the verb tenses and basic grammar. In the Warren Hardy Method students work in pairs while facilitated by instructors.
Each course is 2-1/2 weeks long.
Students study three days a week: MWF or TTHS from 9:30 am until 12:30.
There is a 15-minute complimentary coffee and tea break at 11 am.
You’ll have approximately one hour of homework for each classroom hour.
Level 1
Power Verbs
This is the grounding course. Learn social protocol and how to be courteous.
Learn to combine the 100 most common verbs with the six power verbs: need, want, can, going to, have to, and like.
This empowers you to make hundreds of sentences so you can get the things you need or want when you want them.
Develop a working vocabulary of about 400 words.
Prerequisite: None
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
Level 2
Preterite & Object Pronouns
Level 2 takes you to the high functional level so you can obtain information and speak about past events.
It teaches word order, the use of the Direct and Indirect Object pronouns, and the Preterite or Simple Past tense.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the Present tense or Level 1
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
Level 3
The Seven Indicative Tenses
Level 3 takes you into the conversational level so you can begin to express your personality and thought patterns in Spanish. After this course you will know seven tenses.
Here are the tenses taught in the I form: I speak – Present, I spoke – Preterite, I used to speak – Imperfect, I will speak – Future, I would speak – Conditional, I am speaking – Present Progressive, I have spoken – Present Perfect. There are integration exercises using all the tenses so you learn to go from one tense to another without confusion.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the Preterite tense and Object pronouns or Levels 1 & 2
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
Level 4
Present and Past Subjunctive
Learn the language of diplomacy and how to manage people in a polite manner.
Level 4 develops you to the high conversational level so you can use all the Spanish tenses. It teaches the Present and Past Subjunctive and then integrates the nine Spanish verb tenses.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the Present and Preterite or Levels 1 & 2
Tuition:$325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
Skill Development / Conversation Courses
These courses develop the skill to interact with Spanish speakers. At each level the conversation class takes the knowledge taught in the Foundation Course and develops the ability to use those particular skill sets. Each level moves the students a significant step ahead.
Study dialogues and then practice role plays in class.
Develop your vocabulary and confidence to speak
and understand Spanish.
Read and tell stories in a guided conversation setting.
Class limit - ten students
Basic Communication Skills
Learn to introduce yourself, spell your name, give your address and phone number, give and take directions, make a Doctor’s appointment, take a taxi, shop in the markets, learn Mexican foods, and how to order in a restaurant.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Power Verbs or Present tense
Two days a week, 1.5 hours per class, six classes
Tuition: $125.00. Materials included.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Story Telling
This is a transitional course from Level 2 to Level 3. The first part of the course has a grammar component that teaches the Imperfect tense and reviews the Preterite tense. We take 8 students only in Storytelling.
Students learn to combine the Preterite and the Imperfect to tell and understand stories and anecdotes. Write and share a brief life history, your favorite trip, your favorite famous person.
Prerequisite: Level 1 and Level 2 or a knowledge of the Preterite tense
Tuition:$325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Level 3 Conversation
After Level 3 Foundation you have a knowledge of seven tenses. Now you have to use them in context and expand your vocabulary.
In this course Students read the content before class and answer the questions.
Then during the class, the teacher, through guided conversation engages the students in conversation.
The content is Mexican History, Current events, Mexican culture, Traditions and Foods.
Prerequisite: Level 3
Not currently offered.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
Nine Tense Integration
After you have studied the nine Spanish tenses you will need to work on integration.
Those are a lot of forms to recall quickly. Nine Tense Integration uses exercises where you practice going from tense to tense in all forms.
You also do short readings and have discussions. Students read the content before class and answer the questions.
Then during the class, the teacher engages the students in conversation. The content is Current events, Mexican History, Mexican culture and Traditions.
Prerequisite: Level 4
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Buy your materials now for pre-course study
Soap Opera of Carolina
This is an intermediate conversational course for anyone who has completed Level 3.
The reader is full of rich historical content about San Miguel de Allende and well as the classic eight chapters of the Soap Opera of Carolina.
As a companion to the workbook, there is a beautiful radio show production of the Soap Opera. This was recorded in studio with professional voices.
This is a delicious and whimsical story of Carolina, a middle aged woman that comes to Mexico on a vacation alone. On the airplane she meets Guadalupe, who takes her to San Miguel de Allende. This is where the adventure of romance and intrigue begins. There are ten characters in this play. In class, each student takes a role as the play is read aloud and discussed. The book is full of Mexican cultural anecdotes and historical references about Mexico and San Miguel de Allende. This is fun, fun, fun.
Prerequisite: Level 3
Not currently offered.
Schedule & Registration: CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE
Materials: Buy your materials now for pre-course study.
The Carolina Dialogues
This is a reading comprehension and vocabulary enrichment course to be taken after Level 1 Foundation. Students learn the Present Tense.and then read aloud from a bi-lingual reader written completely in the Present Tense. The Carolina Dialogues is a delightful story of Carolina’s experiences setting up life in San Miguel de Allende. Rich in vocabulary The Dialogues take her from the airport, to the museums, to the bus stations, the bank, finding an apartment, a doctor, etc.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Power Verbs
Two days a week, 2 hours per class, 6 classes
Not currently offered.
Schedule & Registration: To be scheduled
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