This is not just a workbook, it is an integrated learning system

Why is this course different?
Warren Hardy CoreSpanish is a complete integrated verb-based learning system that focuses on the one hundred most common Spanish verbs and their conjugations. Other programs do not directly address the core of the language, the verb system. This is the only course in the world that includes self-correcting workbooks, flashcards, audios and 170 videos: The Webtutor.
This is different because CoreSpanish teaches you to speak in complete sentences. To make a complete sentence you must use verbs. Other courses focus on vocabulary through word association.
Exasperated students who study with other programs find that, after many hours, they still can’t construct real, practical sentences because they don’t know their tenses. They cannot convey basic actions in Present, Past and Future time.
Precisely Architected Content
CoreSpanish was painstakingly crafted, with concepts, information, and exercises presented in a carefully calibrated sequence that builds layer upon layer.
This “language scaffolding” provides a robust conversational framework, positioning students to quickly speak in complete sentences and confidently extend their fluency over time.
CoreSpanish rejects the common, and scientifically disproved belief that adults learn like children: simply by exposure and association.
Instead, CoreSpanish fully embraces the adult learner’s cognitive mode, which acquires language skills far more efficiently when concepts and structures are explicitly presented, explained, and reinforced.
The course of study is layered together in patterns and there are enough items in each exercise to lock the pattern into the memory.
Core Spanish History
CoreSpanish was written from 1990 to 1995 by Warren Hardy in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The learning system was developed and perfected in the classroom while teaching expats. Since that time over 20,000 students have successfully studied in the Warren Hardy School and another 10,000 study with his online program.
What does the system consist of?
- This is a complete course of study.
- There are Four levels.
- Each level is presented in a 160 page self-correcting workbook…a total of 640 pages of exercises.
- Each level is taught with 41 twenty minute videos with Warren Hardy teaching..a total of 170 videos.
- The workbooks are recorded on audio.
- There are flashcards that contain the 100 most common verbs and their conjugations.
What does the curriculum consist of?
1. Power Verbs – Teaches the use of six power verbs, Need, Want, Going to, Can, Like, Have to and combines them with the one hundred most common verbs and accompanying nouns. Students learn to convey their needs and wants with confidence.
2. Preterite and Pronouns – Teaches the all important Simple Past or Preterite Tense. Students learn word order and the use of object pronouns.
3. The Seven Indicative Tenses – Teaches the Seven Indicative tenses. Present, Preterite, Imperfect, Future, Conditional, Present Progressive, Present Perfect.
4. Present and Past Subjunctive and Nine Tense Integration – Teaches the Present and Past Subjunctive and integrates the nine Spanish Tenses.
Creativity Trainer
Boston Massachusetts
Design/Build Consultant
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Los Angeles, California
Want to learn online?
Warren teaches his course on video just like he does in the classroom.
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