Verbcards 1

One hundred easy-to-read 3×5 cards with rounded corners. Contains the 100 most common Spanish verbs.

Verbcards 2

One hundred easy-to-read 3×5 cards with rounded corners. Contains the second 100 most common Spanish verbs.

Keycards | $14.95

This is a quick reference guide to the Spanish language. This is probably the most important tool you will ever own for reviewing Spanish. A student favorite!

Level 1 Power Verbs Gamecards | $14.95

80 easy-to-read 3×5 cards. Comes in a comfortable and sturdy plastic carrying case.

Level 2 Preterite and Pronoun Gamecards | $14.95

80 easy-to-read 3×5 cards. Comes in a comfortable and sturdy plastic carrying case.

Level 3 Seven Indicative Tenses Gamecards | $14.95

70 easy-to-read 3×5 cards. Comes in a comfortable and sturdy plastic carrying case.

Level 4 Present and Past Subjunctive Gamecards | $14.95

70 easy-to-read 3×5 cards. Comes in a comfortable and sturdy plastic carrying case.

Level 1 Vocabulary Cards | $14.95

70 3 X 5 cards contain time frames, glue words, idiomatic expressions and the 200 most common Spanish verbs. One side is in English and the other side in Spanish.

Level 2 Vocabulary Cards | $14.95

70 3 X 5 cards contain the 500 most common Spanish nouns in 26 vocabulary groupings.

Upcoming Classes

Start Class
Aug 10 Level 1
Aug 10 Communication Skills
Aug 10 Story Telling
Aug 11 Level 2
Aug 11 Level 3
Aug 11 Level 4